
INDIN 2014 will be held in Porto Alegre (click here for more information about Porto Alegre) and (here for information on how to get to Porto Alegre) the capital of the Southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. The conference will be held at the central campus of UFRGS (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul). Plenary Sessions will take place at the University's main auditorium (Salão de Atos da UFRGS) located in the rectory building and paper sessions, exhibition and PhD Forum will be located in the new Classroom building located behind the Mechanical Engineering Building. Pictures and location at Googlemaps are depicted below.

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Regular session will take place at the Mechanics Engineering Building, 250 m from the main auditorium. The map for the University's Mechanics Engineering Building is illustrated bellow.

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More information on UFRGS can be found at:

UFRGS Website
UFRGS Main Auditorium