Sorted by Days, Sessions and Rooms
Room: A - Sala CB 21
Day: Sunday 27th of July
Hour: 08:00
Duration: 240 minutes
Room: D - Sala CB 31
Day: Sunday 27th of July
Hour: 09:00
Duration: 210 minutes
Hervé Panetto
Frédérique Bouffaron
Synopsis - Model-Based Systems Engineering is generating a considerable amount of interest - occasionally verging on controversy – within both the discipline of Systems Engineering and the traditional engineering disciplines when addressing the increasing complexity of large-scale systems as well as the collaborative development of parts of them for a broad range of applications.
Professional bodies are promoting standards such as the IEC/ISO/IEEE 15288 one on « Systems and software engineering - System life cycle » and guides such as the living authoritative one to the «Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge» in order to support the systems engineering and management framework in a documentation-based way.
Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the realization of successful systems. It focuses on holistically and concurrently understanding stakeholder needs; exploring opportunities; documenting requirements; and synthesizing, verifying, validating, and evolving solutions while considering the complete problem, from system concept exploration through system disposal (Pyster, A. and D.H. Olwell (eds). 2013).
The tutorial will address some of the basic features of this generic systems engineering paradigm related to the iterative, recursive and concurrent application of a process-driven approach aligned with the system breakdown structure.
Room: L - Lunch Restaurant
Day: Sunday 27th of July
Hour: 12:30
Duration: 60 minutes
Room: D - Sala CB 31
Day: Sunday 27th of July
Hour: 13:30
Duration: 210 minutes
Dr Johan Åkerberg, ABB Corporate Research, Sweden
Prof. Mikael Gidlund, Mid Sweden University and ABB Corporate Research, Sweden
Dr Tomas Lennvall, ABB Corporate Research, Sweden
Synopsis - Recent advances in wireless technology have enabled the development of low-cost wireless solutions capable of robust and reliable communication. International-standardization work within the fields of WLANs, WSNs and RFID has become a foundation for the development of products within application areas such as wireless network access, wireless sensing, wireless monitoring and control, and wireless asset and personnel tracking. For the industrial automation industry, wireless technology has the potential to reduce operating costs and provide a wide new range of applications. However, a key limiting factor for the introduction of new wireless technology is the need for education and technical knowledge in both vendor
and operator organizations.
The goal of this workshop is to introduce the audience to different wireless technologies and applications for the industrial automation domain and discuss different challenges and requirements.
Room: A - Sala CB 21
Day: Sunday 27th of July
Hour: 14:00
Duration: 180 minutes
Room: A - Sala CB 21
Day: Monday 28th of July
Hour: 08:00
Duration: 240 minutes
Room: B - Rectorate Auditorium
Day: Monday 28th of July
Hour: 09:00
Duration: 50 minutes
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Jay Lee, University of Cincinnati, USA
Carlos E, Pereira, UFRGS, BR
Abstract - In today’s competitive business environment, companies are facing challenges in dealing with big data issues for rapid decision making for improved productivity. Many manufacturing systems are not ready to manage big data due to the lack of smart analytics tools. Germany is leading a transformation toward 4th Generation Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) based on Cyber-Physical System based manufacturing and service innovation. As more software and embedded intelligence are integrated in industrial products and systems, predictive technologies can further intertwine intelligent algorithms with electronics and tether-free intelligence to predict product performance degradation and autonomously manage and optimize product service needs.
The presentation will address the trends of industrial transformation in big data environment as well as the readiness of smart predictive informatics tools to manage big data to achieve transparency and productivity. First, industry transformation including Germany 4.0 and cyber-physical system will be introduced. Second, advanced prognostics technologies for smart product service systems with case studies will be presented. In addition, research advances in designing cloud-based cyber-physical modeling for next-generation products and service systems will be discussed.
Room: D - Sala CB 31
Day: Monday 28th of July
Hour: 10:00
Duration: 60 minutes
Detlef Zuhlke, Kaiserslautern Univeristy, DE
Teodiano Bastos, UFES, BR
Hour: 10:00
Title: Comparison Among Feature Extraction Techniques Based on Power Spectrum for a SSVEP-BCI
Dr. Teodiano Bastos-Filho, Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil
Mr. Javier Castillo, Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil
Dr. Eduardo Caicedo, Universidad del Valle, Colombia
Hour: 10:20
Title: Human-Machine-Interaction in the Industry 4.0 Era
Mr. Dominic Gorecky, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence DFKI, Germany
Mr. Mathias Schmitt, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence DFKI, Germany
Dr. Matthias Loskyll, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence DFKI, Germany
Prof. Detlef Zühlke, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence DFKI, Germany
Hour: 10:40
Title: Including Operator's Skill and Environment Conditions in an IMS
Prof. Silvia Botelho, Furg, Brazil
Prof. Nelson Duarte Filho, Furg, Brazil
Prof. Danubia Espindola, Furg, Brazil
Mr. Marcos Amaral, Furg, Brazil
Prof. Leonardo Emmendorfer, Furg, Brazil
Prof. Carlos Eduardo Pereira, Ufrgs, Brazil
Prof. Renato Ventura, Ufrgs, Brazil
Prof. Rafael Penna, Furg, Brazil
Mr. Enzo Frazzon, Ufsc, Brazil
Room: E - Sala CB 32
Day: Monday 28th of July
Hour: 10:00
Duration: 60 minutes
Thomas Bangemann, IFAK, DE
Hour: 10:00
Title: Rule-Based Engineering Using Declarative Graph Database Queries
Mr. Sten Grüner, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Mr. Peter Weber, ABB Corporate Research Ladenburg, Germany
Prof. Ulrich Epple, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Hour: 10:20
Title: MDE of Manufacturing Automation Software - Integrating SysML and Standard Development Tools
Mr. Daniel Schütz, Technische Universität München, Germany
Mr. Christoph Legat, Technische Universität München, Germany
Prof. Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Technische Universität München, Germany
Hour: 10:40
Title: A Multi-Agent System for the Production Control of Printed Circuit Boards using JaCaMo and Prometheus AEOlus
Prof. Mario Lucio Roloff, Federal Institute of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Prof. Marcelo Ricardo Stemmer, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Prof. Jomi Fred Hübner, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Prof. Robert Schmitt, Aachen University, Germany
Prof. Tilo Pfeifer, Aachen University, Germany
Mr. Guido Hüttemann, Aachen University, Germany
Room: F - Sala CB 33
Day: Monday 28th of July
Hour: 10:00
Duration: 60 minutes
Marisol Garcia-Valls, Carlos III university, ES
Hour: 10:00
Title: Secure Automotive Gateway - Secure Communication for Future Cars
Mr. Stefan Seifert, Regensburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Prof. Roman Obermaisser, University of Siegen, Germany
Hour: 10:20
Title: Wireless Sensor Network UML Profile to Support Model-Driven Development
Mr. Andre R. Paulon, Ufsc, Brazil
Mr. Fabio P. Basso, Ufrj, Brazil
Prof. Antonio A. Fröhlich, Ufsc, Brazil
Prof. Leandro B. Becker, Ufsc, Brazil
Hour: 10:40
Title: Requirements Specification for Controller Design - from Use Cases to IOPT Net Models
Prof. Joao Paulo Barros, Instituto Politecnico de Beja and UNINOVA-CTS, Portugal
Prof. Isabel Sofia Brito, Instituto Politecnico de Beja, Portugal
Prof. Luís Gomes, Universidade Nova de Lisboa e UNINOVA-CTS, Portugal
Room: H - Exhibition Hall
Day: Monday 28th of July
Hour: 11:00
Duration: 30 minutes
Room: D - Sala CB 31
Day: Monday 28th of July
Hour: 11:30
Duration: 80 minutes
Renato Henriques, UFRGS, BR
Hour: 11:30
Title: A Study on Tool Support for IEC 61499 2nd Edition
Dr. Cheng Pang, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Mr. Sandeep Patil, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Mr. Chen-Wei Yang, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Prof. Valeriy Vyatkin, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Prof. Anatoly Shalyto, ITMO University, Russian Federation
Hour: 11:50
Title: An Algorithm for Rodbeds Ground Resistance Calculation with FEM Validation
Mr. Rooney R. A. Coelho, Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Brazil
Dr. Ricardo S. T. Pontes, Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Brazil
Hour: 12:10
Title: A Framework for Automatic Custom Instruction Identification on Multi-Issue ASIPs
Mr. Alexandre Nery, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Prof. Nadia Nedjah, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Prof. Felipe França, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Prof. Lech Jozwiak, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Prof. Henk Corporaal, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Hour: 12:30
Title: Development of an Electronic Management System for a Rotary Combustion Engine
Mr. Alexandre Giordani Andreoli, Ufrgs, Brazil
Mr. Fabricio da Silva Stein, Ufrgs, Brazil
Dr. Carlos Eduardo Pereira, Ufrgs, Brazil
Room: E - Sala CB 32
Day: Monday 28th of July
Hour: 11:30
Duration: 80 minutes
Matthias Foehr, SIEMENS, DE
Hour: 11:30
Title: Relevance-based Balanced Sink Mobility in Wireless Visual Sensor Networks
Dr. Daniel G. Costa, State University of Feira de Santana, Brazil
Dr. Luiz Affonso Guedes, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Dr. Francisco Vasques, University of Porto, Portugal
Dr. Paulo Portugal, University of Porto, Portugal
Hour: 11:50
Title: Selecting Redundant Nodes When Addressing Availability in Wireless Visual Sensor Networks
Dr. Daniel G. Costa, State University of Feira de Santana, Brazil
Dr. Ivanovitch Silva, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Dr. Luiz Affonso Guedes, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Dr. Francisco Vasques, University of Porto, Portugal
Dr. Paulo Portugal, University of Porto, Portugal
Hour: 12:10
Title: A method to design a manufacturing control system considering flexible reconfiguration
Prof. Robson Marinho da Silva, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Brazil
Dr. Fabricio Junqueira, Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Dr. Diolino Santos Filho, Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Dr. Paulo Miyagi, Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Hour: 12:30
Title: A Platform Independent Communication support for Distributed Controller Systems modelled by Petri nets
Mr. Edgar M. Silva, UNINOVA, Centro de Tecnologia e Sistemas, Portugal
Prof. Pedro Maló, UNINOVA, Centro de Tecnologia e Sistemas, Portugal
Prof. Luis Gomes, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
Room: F - Sala CB 33
Day: Monday 28th of July
Hour: 11:30
Duration: 80 minutes
Leandro Buss Becker, UFSC BR
Hour: 11:30
Title: Using Colored Petri Nets for the Requirements Engineering of a Surface Electrogastrography System
Mr. ÁLvaro Sobrinho, Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil
Dr. Leandro Dias da Silva, Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil
Dr. Angelo Perkusich, Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil
Prof. Paulo Cunha, State University of Health Sciences of Alagoas and Federal Institute of Alagoas, Brazil
Hour: 11:50
Title: Enhancing Automatic Generation of VHDL Descriptions from UML/MARTE Models
Ms. Marcela Leite, Udesc, Brazil
Dr. Marco Aurélio Wehrmeister, Utfpr, Brazil
Dr. Cristiano Vasconcellos, Udesc, Brazil
Hour: 12:10
Title: Integrating UML, MARTE and SysML to improve requirements specification and traceability in the embedded domain
Mrs. Milena Marques, Universidade Federal de Pelotas - UFPel, Brazil
Mrs. Eliane Siegert, Universidade Federal de Pelotas - UFPel, Brazil
Dr. Lisane Brisolara, Universidade Federal de Pelotas - UFPel, Brazil
Hour: 12:30
Title: A Model-Based Design Space Exploration for Embedded Image Processing in Industrial Applications
Mr. Rafael Lerm, Ufrgs, Brazil
Mr. Dionisio Doering, Ufrgs, Brazil
Mr. Rodrigo H. A. Rech, Ufrgs, Brazil
Prof. Carlos E. Pereira, Ufrgs, Brazil
Prof. Achim Rettberg, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany
Room: L - Lunch Restaurant
Day: Monday 28th of July
Hour: 13:00
Duration: 60 minutes
Room: B - Rectorate Auditorium
Day: Monday 28th of July
Hour: 14:00
Duration: 50 minutes
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Bran Selic, Malina Software Corp., Canada
Jose Barata, UNL, PT
Abstract - Software developers are incessantly inundated with wave upon wave of offered solutions to their many pains (pains, which, unfortunately, are ultimately felt by their clients): third generation languages, object oriented programming, CASE tools, aspects, components, programming frameworks, extreme programming, agile methods, to name just a few. Some of these have indeed had dramatic impacts on how software is developed, while others have proved mere passing fads, never fulfilling the potential claimed for them. One of the more recent entries in this multitude is model-based software engineering (MBSE) also referred to sometimes as model-driven development. From its emergence in the 1990’s, this approach to software development along with its accompanying technologies have been promoted by their advocates as game changers, promising quantum leaps in productivity and product quality. Following the initial excitement and hype generated around MBSE, its position in the limelight is now slowly fading, displaced by more recent cure-alls. While MBSE is being used in some enterprises, it is far from being the dominant software development paradigm that its proponents had hoped for. For many software professionals, its relevance and impact are unclear at best.
In this talk, we first examine the essential precepts of MBSE and the value proposition claimed for it. Next, in order to understand the reality behind it – as opposed to the hype, we review current experience with the use of MBSE in industry, based on a systematic and thorough survey of published data. We conclude with a critical assessment of the actual impact that MBSE has had to date and what the future might hold for it.
Room: D - Sala CB 31
Day: Monday 28th of July
Hour: 15:00
Duration: 80 minutes
Achim Rettberg, Odenburg University, DE
Hour: 15:00
Title: Implementation of an automated building model generation tool
Dr. Sergio Leal, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
Mr. Stefan Hauer, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
Dr. Florian Judex, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
Mr. Stefan Gahr, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
Hour: 15:20
Title: Prognostics algorithms for Low Voltage Circuit Breaker application: a benchmark analysis
Mr. Luca Fasanotti, university of Bergamo-Intellimech consortium, Italy
Mr. Marco Tomasini, Intellimech Consortium, Italy
Mr. Fabio Floreani, Intellimech Consortium, Italy
Mr. Stefano Ierace, university of Bergamo-Intellimech consortium, Italy
Prof. Sergio Cavalieri, university of Bergamo, Italy
Hour: 15:40
Title: A Tool for Response Time and Schedulability Analysis in Modbus Serial Communications
Mr. Gustavo Kunzel, Ifrs, Brazil
Mr. Matheus Correa Ribeiro, Ifrs, Brazil
Mr. Carlos Eduardo Pereira, Ufrgs, Brazil
Hour: 16:00
Title: Automatic Execution of Embedded Software Testing and Debugging
Ms. Rita de Cássia Cazu Soldi, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Dr. Antônio Augusto Medeiros Fröhlich, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Room: E - Sala CB 32
Day: Monday 28th of July
Hour: 15:00
Duration: 80 minutes
Franz J. Rammig, Paderborn University, DE
Hour: 15:00
Title: Subject-Oriented Process Design Across Organizational Control Layers
Dr. Matthias Neubauer, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Department of Business Information Systems - Communications Engineering, Austria
Prof. Christian Stary, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Department of Business Information Systems - Communications Engineering, Austria
Mr. Florian Krenn, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Department of Business Information Systems - Communications Engineering, Austria
Hour: 15:20
Title: Characterization of an Agile Bio-inspired Shop-Floor
Mr. João Dias-Ferreira, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Dr. Luis Ribeiro, Link¨oping University, Sweden
Mr. Hakan Akillioglu, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Mr. Pedro Neves, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Dr. Antonio Maffei, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Prof. Mauro Onori, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Hour: 15:40
Title: A network inference tool for JADE-based systems
Dr. Luis Ribeiro, Linkoping University, Sweden
Mr. Joao Dias Ferreira, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Ms. Catarina Moura, Faculdade Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
Dr. Jose Barata, Uninova - Cts, Portugal
Hour: 16:00
Title: Cyber-Physical Components for Heterogeneous Modeling, Validation and Implementation of Smart Grid Intelligence
Dr. Gulnara Zhabelova, Lulea Tekniska Universitet, Sweden
Mr. Chen-Wei Yang, Lulea Tekniska Universitet, Sweden
Mr. Sandeep Patil, Lulea Tekniska Universitet, Sweden
Dr. Cheng Pang, Lulea Tekniska Universitet, Sweden
Mr. Jeffrey Yan, The University of Auckland, New Zealand (Aotearoa)
Prof. Anatoly Shalyto, ITMO University, Russian Federation
Prof. Valeriy Vyatkin, Lulea Tekniska Universitet, Sweden
Room: F - Sala CB 33
Day: Monday 28th of July
Hour: 15:00
Duration: 80 minutes
Tomas Lennvall, ABB SE
Hour: 15:00
Title: Safe Human-Robot Cooperation through Sensor-less Radio Localization
Dr. Vittorio Rampa, Ieiit-Cnr, Italy
Dr. Federico Vicentini, Itia-Cnr, Italy
Dr. Stefano Savazzi, Ieiit-Cnr, Italy
Dr. Nicola Pedrocchi, Itia-Cnr, Italy
Dr. Marcello Ioppolo, Ieiit-Cnr, Italy
Dr. Matteo Giussani, Itia-Cnr, Italy
Hour: 15:20
Title: Reliability Evaluation of WirelessHART Under Faulty Link Scenarios
Mr. Marcelo Nobre, Department of Computer Engineering and Automation - UFRN, Brazil
Prof. Ivanovitch Silva, Institute Metropole Digital - UFRN, Brazil
Prof. Luiz Affonso Guedes, Department of Computer Engineering and Automation - UFRN, Brazil
Hour: 15:40
Title: WirelessHART Localization Algorithm
Mrs. Julieth Ariza, UFRGS MsC Student, Brazil
Dr. Ivan Muller, UFRGS Professor, Brazil
Mr. Jean Winter, UFRGS PhD Student, Brazil
Dr. João Netto, UFRGS Professor, Brazil
Dr. Carlos Pereira, UFRGS Professor, Brazil
Dr. Valner Brusamarello, UFRGS Professor, Brazil
Hour: 16:00
Title: WirelessHART network analyzer with coexistence detection
Ms. Tatiane Machado, Ufrgs, Brazil
Dr. Ivan Muller, Ufrgs, Brazil
Mr. Jean Winter, Ufrgs, Brazil
Mr. Victor Dickow, Ufrgs, Brazil
Prof. Carlos Eduardo Pereira, Ufrgs, Brazil
Prof. João César Netto, Ufrgs, Brazil
Room: G - Sala CB 34
Day: Monday 28th of July
Hour: 15:00
Duration: 80 minutes
Christoph Legat, TUM, DE
Hour: 15:00
Title: Ontology-based Modeling of Production Systems for Design and Performance Evaluation
Dr. Walter Terkaj, Itia-Cnr, Italy
Dr. Marcello Urgo, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Hour: 15:20
Title: Multidimensional Ontology Modelling - a Robust Methodology for Managing Complex and Heterogeneous Petroleum Digital Ecosystems
Dr. Shastri Nimmagadda, Curtin University, Australia
Prof. Heinz Dreher, Curtin University, Australia
Hour: 15:40
Title: An Ontology-Based Approach for Decentralized Monitoring And Diagnostics
Mrs. Lisa Abele, Siemens AG - Corporate Technology, Germany
Dr. Stephan Grimm, Siemens AG - Corporate Technology, Germany
Dr. Sonja Zillner, Siemens AG - Corporate Technology, Germany
Prof. Martin Kleinsteuber, Department of Electrical Engineering - Technische Universität München, Germany
Hour: 16:00
Title: Extending Statistical Data Quality Improvement with Explicit Domain Models
Ms. Nina Solomakhina, TU Wien, Austria
Mr. Thomas Hubauer, Siemens AG, Germany
Dr. Steffen Lamparter, Siemens AG, Germany
Dr. Mikhail Roshchin, Siemens AG, Germany
Dr. Stephan Grimm, Siemens AG, Germany
Room: C - FIERGS Auditorium
Day: Monday 28th of July
Hour: 17:00
Duration: 120 minutes
Carlos Eduardo Pereira, UFRGS, BR
Jose Barata, UNL, PT
Toshio Fukuda, Nagoya University, Japan
Detlef Zuehlke, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Michael Condry, INTEL, USA
Ricardo Felizolla, ALTUS, Brazil
Forward - This panel will start with a presentation made by Ricardo Felizzola, a brazilian enterpreneur and co-founder of the companies Altus, Teikon and HT-Micron (Brazilian branch) about ¨Industrial Informatics in Brazil and Rio Grande do Sul¨. Then each panelist will present his vision on the evolution of Industrial Informatics on his country and continent.
Room: C - FIERGS Auditorium
Day: Monday 28th of July
Hour: 19:00
Duration: 120 minutes
Room: A - Sala CB 21
Day: Tuesday 29th of July
Hour: 08:00
Duration: 120 minutes
Room: B - Rectorate Auditorium
Day: Tuesday 29th of July
Hour: 09:00
Duration: 50 minutes
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Toshio Fukuda, Nagoya University, Japan
Jose Barata, UNL, PT
Abstract - This talk is an overview of the Multi-scale robotics, based on the Cellular Robotics System, which is the basic concept of the emergency of intelligence in the multi-scale way from Cell Level to the Organizational Level, proposed 30 years ago. It consists how the system can be structured from the individual to the group/society levels in analogy with the biological system. It covers with the wide range of challenging topics:
1. Individual robot level, Brachiation Robots and Multi-locomotion robots, medical robotics and simulator,
2. Cooperation and competition of the multiple robotics systems
3. Distributed autonomous robotic systems
4. Micro and nano robotics systems
5. Bio analysis and synthesis: bio-robotics systems
Room: D - Sala CB 31
Day: Tuesday 29th of July
Hour: 10:00
Duration: 60 minutes
Luís Ribeiro, Linkoping University, SE
Hour: 10:00
Title: Coexistence issues in Wireless Networks for Factory Automation
Mr. Jean Michel Winter, Ufrgs, Brazil
Dr. Ivan Muller, Ufrgs, Brazil
Dr. Stefano Savazzi, Cnr, Italy
Prof. Leandro Becker, Ufsc, Brazil
Prof. João César Netto, Ufrgs, Brazil
Prof. Carlos Eduardo Pereira, Ufrgs, Brazil
Hour: 10:20
Title: RBESP: Reliable and Best Effort Stack Protocol for UAV collaboration with WSN
Mr. João Paulo Bodanese, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Prof. Gustavo Medeiros de Araújo, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Prof. Guilherme Vianna Raffo, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Prof. Leandro Buss Becker, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Hour: 10:40
Title: Model-based Platform Design and Evaluation of Cloud-based Cyber-Physical Systems (CCPS)
Mr. Johannes Dell, Pforzheim University, Germany
Prof. Thomas Greiner, Pforzheim University, Germany
Prof. Wolfgang Rosenstiel, University of Tübingen, Germany
Room: E - Sala CB 32
Day: Tuesday 29th of July
Hour: 10:00
Duration: 60 minutes
Marco Aurelio Wehrmeister, UTFPR, BR
Hour: 10:00
Title: Implementing the Internet of Things Vision in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks
Mr. Carel Kruger, University of Pretoria, Counsil for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa
Dr. Gerhard Hancke, City University of Hong Kong, University of Pretoria, Hong Kong
Hour: 10:20
Title: Benchmarking Internet of Things devices
Mr. Carel Kruger, University of Pretoria, Counsil for Scientific and Industrial Research, South Africa
Dr. Gerhard Hancke, City University Hong Kong, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Hour: 10:40
Title: IoT Applications that work for the African Continent: Innovation or Adoption?
Dr. Muthoni Masinde, Department of IT, Central University of Technology, Free State, South Africa
Room: F - Sala CB 33
Day: Tuesday 29th of July
Hour: 10:00
Duration: 60 minutes
Johan Akerberg, ABB, SE
Hour: 10:00
Title: Evaluation of a State-based Real-Time Scheduling Analysis Technique
Mr. Tayfun Gezgin, Offis, Germany
Prof. Achim Rettberg, Uni Oldenburg, Germany
Dr. Ingo Stierand, Uni Oldenburg, Germany
Dr. Stefan Henkler, Offis, Germany
Hour: 10:20
Title: Probabilistic Scheduling of the FlexRay Dynamic Segment
Mr. Rodrigo Lange, Ppgeas/Ufsc, Brazil
Dr. Rômulo Silva de Oliveira, Das/Ufsc, Brazil
Hour: 10:40
Title: First Results of Automatic Fault-Injection in an AUTOSAR Tool-chain
Mr. Guilherme Baumgarten, OFFIS e.V., Germany
Mr. Markus Oertel, OFFIS e.V., Germany
Dr. Achim Rettberg, OFFIS e.V., Germany
Dr. Marcelo Götz, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Room: G - Sala CB 34
Day: Tuesday 29th of July
Hour: 10:00
Duration: 60 minutes
Stephan Grimm, SIEMENS, DE
Hour: 10:00
Title: Coupling heterogeneous production systems by a multi-agent based cyber-physical production system
Prof. Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Technical University Munich, Germany
Prof. Christian Diedrich, Otto-von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
Ms. Dorothea Pantförder, Technical University Munich, Germany
Prof. Peter Göhner, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Hour: 10:20
Title: Keeping Requirements and Test Cases Consistent: Towards an Ontology-based Approach
Mr. Stefan Feldmann, Institute of Automation and Information Systems, Technische Universität München, Germany
Ms. Susanne Rösch, Institute of Automation and Information Systems, Technische Universität München, Germany
Mr. Christoph Legat, Institute of Automation and Information Systems, Technische Universität München, Germany
Prof. Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Institute of Automation and Information Systems, Technische Universität München, Germany
Hour: 10:40
Title: Knowledge-based web service integration for industrial automation
Mr. Borja Ramis, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Mr. Luis Gonzalez, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Mr. Sergii Iarovyi, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Dr. Andrei Lobov, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Prof. Jose L. Martinez Lastra, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Prof. Valeriy Vyatkin, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Dr. William Dai, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Room: H - Exhibition Hall
Day: Tuesday 29th of July
Hour: 11:00
Duration: 30 minutes
Room: D - Sala CB 31
Day: Tuesday 29th of July
Hour: 11:30
Duration: 80 minutes
Walter Fetter Lages, UFRGS, BR
Hour: 11:30
Title: Iterative learning control schemes for a class of nonlinear systems: Theory and real-time implementation
Dr. Salim Ibrir, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia
Mr. Craig Ramlal, University of The West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago
Hour: 11:50
Title: An RRT-based Navigation Approach for Mobile Robots and Automated Vehicles
Mr. Luis Garrote, Isr-Uc, Portugal
Dr. Cristiano Premebida, Isr-Uc, Portugal
Mr. Marco Silva, Isr-Uc, Portugal
Prof. Urbano Nunes, Isr-Uc, Portugal
Hour: 12:10
Title: An Alternative Linear Topology for Conditioning Resistive Sensors
Mr. Felipe Oliveira e Silva, Federal University of Itajubá, Brazil
Dr. Luis Henrique de Carvalho Ferreira, Federal University of Itajubá, Brazil
Dr. Leonardo Breseghello Zoccal, Federal University of Itajubá, Brazil
Mr. Fernando Henrique Duarte Guaracy, Federal University of Itajubá, Brazil
Hour: 12:30
Title: Shape Reconstruction from Multiple RGB-D Point Cloud Registration
Dr. Rogerio Takimoto, Epusp, Brazil
Prof. Marcos Tsuzuki, Epusp, Brazil
Mr. Renato Vogelaar, Epusp, Brazil
Prof. Thiago Martins, Epusp, Brazil
Mr. Yuma Iwao, Yokohama National University, Japan
Prof. Toshiyuki Gotoh, Yokohama National University, Japan
Prof. Seiichiro Kagei, Yokohama National University, Japan
Mr. Giulliano Gallo, Cesp, Brazil
Mr. Marcos Garcia, Cesp, Brazil
Mr. Hamilton Tiba, Cesp, Brazil
Room: E - Sala CB 32
Day: Tuesday 29th of July
Hour: 11:30
Duration: 80 minutes
Niels Lohse, University of Loughboro, UK
Hour: 11:30
Title: Artificial Neural Networks and Signal Clipping for PROFIBUS DP diagnostics
Mr. Guilherme Sestito, Industrial Automation Laboratory, USP - São Carlos, Brazil
Prof. Eduardo Mossin, Industrial Automation Laboratory, USP - São Carlos, Brazil
Mr. André Dias, Industrial Automation Laboratory, USP - São Carlos, Brazil
Mr. Paulo Toledo, Industrial Automation Laboratory, USP - São Carlos, Brazil
Prof. Dennis Brandão, Industrial Automation Laboratory, USP - São Carlos, Brazil
Hour: 11:50
Title: Checking models throughout the iterative co-specification process of a critical system
Mr. Fabien Bouffaron, CRAN (Research Center for Automatic Control of Nancy), France
Dr. Pascale Marange, CRAN (Research Center for Automatic Control of Nancy), France
Prof. Gérard Morel, CRAN (Research Center for Automatic Control of Nancy), France
Hour: 12:10
Title: Integration of supervisory control with SCADA system for a flexible manufacturing cell
Ms. Nicole Beatriz Portilla Constain, Ingeniería Avanzada de Colombia Ltda., Colombia
Prof. Max Hering de Queiroz, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil
Prof. Jose Eduardo Ribeiro Cury, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil
Hour: 12:30
Title: IMC-AESOP Outcomes: Paving the way to Collaborative Manufacturing Systems
Prof. Armando Walter Colombo, University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer, Germany
Dr. Thomas Bangemann, Institut f. Automation und Kommunikation e. V., Germany
Mr. Stamatis Karnouskos, SAP Research, Germany
Room: F - Sala CB 33
Day: Tuesday 29th of July
Hour: 11:30
Duration: 80 minutes
Gerhard Hancke, University of Hong Kong, HK
Hour: 11:30
Title: Extreme Learning Machine with initialized hidden weight
Mr. Leonardo Daniel Tavares, Ufmg, Brazil
Prof. Rodney Rezende Saldanha, Ufmg, Brazil
Dr. Douglas Alexandre Gomes Vieira, Enacom, Brazil
Hour: 11:50
Title: Converting Fuzzy Models to Rough Models
Mr. Fernando Guaracy, Federal University of Itajubá, Brazil
Dr. Carlos Pinheiro, Federal University of Itajubá, Brazil
Dr. Luís Ferreira, Federal University of Itajubá, Brazil
Hour: 12:10
Title: Low-Cost Radar-Based Target Identification Prototype using an Expert System
Mr. David Pérez Daza, Centro de Electrónica Industrial (CEI), Spain
Mrs. Mónica Villaverde San José, Centro de Electrónica Industrial (CEI), Spain
Dr. Félix Moreno González, Centro de Electrónica Industrial (CEI), Spain
Mrs. Noemí Nogar, Centro de Electrónica Industrial (CEI), Spain
Mr. Félix Ezcurra, Luix S.L., Spain
Mr. Ekaitz Aznar, Luix S.L., Spain
Hour: 12:30
Title: Performance Analysis of Extreme Learning Machine for Automatic Diagnosis of Electrical Submersible Pump Conditions
Mr. Francisco de Assis Boldt, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil
Prof. Thomas Walter Rauber, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil
Prof. Flávio Miguel Varejão, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil
Dr. Marcos Pellegrini Ribeiro, Petrobras, Brazil
Room: I - Sala CB 23
Day: Tuesday 29th of July
Hour: 11:30
Duration: 90 minutes
Michael Condry, INTEL, USA
Alécio Binotto, IBM Reseach, BR
11:30 - 12:00 Intel Engagements on Informatics impact Oil, Gas and other Industries in Brazil
Mr. Max Leite, INTEL, Brazil
12:00 - 12:30 The New Era of Industry Computing: Cognitive, Cloud, Big Data, IoT
Dr. Alécio Binotto, IBM Research, Brazil
12:30 - 13:00 Building a Lab to Launch People
Dr. Fernando Koch, SAMSUNG Research Institute, Brazil
Room: L - Lunch Restaurant
Day: Tuesday 29th of July
Hour: 13:00
Duration: 60 minutes
Room: B - Rectorate Auditorium
Day: Tuesday 29th of July
Hour: 14:00
Duration: 50 minutes
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Anuradha Annaswamy, MIT, USA
Carlos Eduardo Pereira, UFRGS, BR
Abstract - The 21st century is witnessing a prodigious change in energy landscape with the arrival of renewable sources such as wind and solar, global concerns of sustainability and greenhouse gas emissions, and dwindling resources of fossil fuels. The obvious advantages of reduced operational costs and emissions, obtainable with renewable such as off-shore wind-farms and solar-panels on individual buildings, are accompanied with the challenges of intermittency and distributed availability. Smart Grid is a transformative global imperative that can meet these challenges via using a cyber-physical infrastructure that plans, controls, and delivers power to meet demand over an entire region.
This talk will present the key features of the cyberphysical infrastructure that can engender such a transformation. These features include (a) Transactive Control, an architecture that enables efficient participation of various heterogeneous stakeholders in the process including the renewable energy producers, demand response constituents, and aggregators while ensuring reliable power delivery, (b) Demand Response, an emerging paradigm where consumers dial-in their demand in response to strategically placed incentives, (c) Heterogeneous Storage mechanisms with varying authority, constraints, and ramp-rates , and (d) Cyber-physical Resilience, the ability to provide optimal recovery in the presence of natural and cyber anomalies. In this talk, various scenarios that exemplify the CPS infrastructure, the associated research challenges, and recent illustrations will be presented.
Room: D - Sala CB 31
Day: Tuesday 29th of July
Hour: 15:00
Duration: 120 minutes
Jose Barata, UNL, PT
Hour: 15:00
Title: Integration of Distributed Hybrid Multi-Agent Systems into an Industrial IT Environment
Mr. Sebastian Ulewicz, Technische Universitaet Muenchen - Institute for Automation and Information Systems, Germany
Mr. Daniel Schuetz, Technische Universitaet Muenchen - Institute for Automation and Information Systems, Germany
Prof. Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Technische Universitaet Muenchen - Institute for Automation and Information Systems, Germany
Hour: 15:20
Title: Exploring reconfiguration alternatives in Self-Organising Evolvable Production Systems through Simulation
Mr. Pedro Neves, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Dr. Luis Ribeiro, Linkopping University, Sweden
Mr. João Dias-Ferreira, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Prof. Mauro Onori, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Prof. José Barata, Uninova Research Institute, Portugal
Hour: 15:40
Title: Runtime Evaluation of Ontology-based Reconfiguration of Distributed Embedded Real-Time Systems
Mr. Oliver Hoeftberger, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Prof. Roman Obermaisser, University of Siegen, Germany
Hour: 16:00
Title: Managing Intelligent Self-Sustained Electrical Micro-Grids
Mr. Adriano Ferreira, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal
Prof. Paulo Leitão, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal
Prof. Pavel Vrba, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Hour: 16:20
Title: An Agent Based Framework to Support Plug and Produce
Mr. Andre Rocha, CTS, Uninova, Portugal
Mr. Nikolas Antzoulatos, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Mr. Giovanni Di Orio, CTS, Uninova, Portugal
Dr. Elkin Castro, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Dr. Daniele Scrimieri, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Prof. Luis Ribeiro, Linkoping University, Portugal
Prof. Jose Barata, CTS, Uninova, Portugal
Prof. Svetan Ratchev, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Hour: 16:40
Title: Multi-Level Skill-Based Allocation Methodology for Evolvable Assembly Systems
Dr. Shirley Cavin, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
Dr. Niels Lohse, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
Room: E - Sala CB 32
Day: Tuesday 29th of July
Hour: 15:00
Duration: 120 minutes
Bernd Hellingrath, University of Muenster, DE
Hour: 15:00
Title: Locomotive monitoring system using wireless sensor networks
Mr. Patrick L. Croucamp, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Dr. Suvendi Rimer, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Mr. Carel Kruger, Meraka, CSIR, South Africa
Hour: 15:20
Title: Wireless Environmental Monitoring System for Smart Buildings
Mr. R. Plessis, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Dr. Anuj Kumar, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Prof. Gerhard Hancke, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Hour: 15:40
Title: GPS based secure real-time mobile data logger for route analysis and estimation for moving objects
Mr. Deep Vardhan Bhatt, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Mr. Jaco Schuttle, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Prof. Gerhard P Hancke, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Hour: 16:00
Title: An Assessment of Field Readiness for Wireless Sensor Based Weatherboards- A Calibration Report
Dr. Muthoni Masinde, Department of IT, Central University of Technology, Free State, South Africa
Hour: 16:20
Title: Appliance Signature with Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithm for Energy Management
Mr. Kwok Tai Chui, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Mr. Hao Ran Chi, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Mr. Faan Hei Hung, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Dr. Kim Fung Tsang, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Prof. Henry Shu Hung Chung, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Hour: 16:40
Title: Energy efficiency management of PHEVs: Performance analysis of fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm
Mr. Hao Ran Chi, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Mr. Kwok Tai Chui, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Dr. Kim Fung Tsang, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Dr. Wing Hong Lau, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Mr. Faan Hei Hung, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Room: F - Sala CB 33
Day: Tuesday 29th of July
Hour: 15:00
Duration: 120 minutes
Leandro Indrusiak, University of York, UK
Hour: 15:00
Title: Maximizing Diversity in CPUs
Dr. Frank Reichenbach, Abb As, Norway
Dr. Jan Endresen, Abb As, Norway
Mr. Stein-Erik Ellevseth, Abb As, Norway
Hour: 15:20
Title: Model-Based Development of Systems-of-Systems with Real-Time Requirements
Mr. Imad Sanduka, Airbus Group Innovations, Germany
Prof. Roman Obermaisser, University of Siegen, Germany
Hour: 15:40
Title: Predictability Enhancement in Non-preemptive NoCs using Selective Packet Splitting
Mr. Bharath Sudev, The University of York, United Kingdom
Dr. Leandro Soares Indrusiak, The University of York, United Kingdom
Hour: 16:00
Title: Dual-Layer Bus Arbiter for Mixed-Criticality Systems with Hypervisors
Mr. Bekim Cilku, TU Wien, Austria
Mr. Bernhard Frömel, TU Wien, Austria
Prof. Peter Puschner, TU Wien, Austria
Hour: 16:20
Title: Extending the verification capabilities of middleware for reliable distributed self-adaptive systems
Prof. Marisol García-Valls, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Prof. Diego Perez-Palacin, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Prof. Raffaela Mirandola, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Room: I - Sala CB 23
Day: Tuesday 29th of July
Hour: 15:00
Duration: 120 minutes
Michael Condry, INTEL, USA
Alécio Binotto, IBM Reseach, BR
15:00 - 15:30 Semiconductor Solutions for the Development of The IoT in Brazil
Dr. Marcelo Lubaszewski, CEITEC, Brazil
15:30 - 16:00 Philips Helps Healthcare Providers Deliver High-Quality Healthcare
Dr. Carsten Oliver Schirra, PHILIPS Research, Brazil
16:00 - 16:30 Industrial Internet: Pushing the Boundaries of Minds and Machines
Mr. Paulo Gallotti, GE Global Research, Brazil
16:30 - 17:00 Consistent Reuse of Environment Models for Seamless and Efficient ECU Development
Dr.Stefan Walter, dSpace, Germany
Room: H - Exhibition Hall
Day: Tuesday 29th of July
Hour: 17:00
Duration: 30 minutes
Room: H - Exhibition Hall
Day: Tuesday 29th of July
Hour: 17:30
Duration: 60 minutes
Order: P01
Title: A Model Driven Engineering Methodology for Embedded System Designs - HIPAO2
Mr. Dionisio Doering, Ufrgs, Brazil
Dr. Achim Rettberg, Carl von Ossietzky Universitat Oldenburg, Germany
Dr. Carlos Eduardo Pereira, Ufrgs, Brazil
Order: P02
Title: Wireless Sensor Network UML Profile to Support Model-Driven Development
Mr. André Paulon, Ufsc, Brazil
Prof. Leandro Becker, Ufsc, Brazil
Mr. Fabio Basso, Ufrj, Brazil
Prof. Antonio Fröhlich, Ufsc, Brazil
Order: P03
Title: Biomedical Signal Acquisition Systems: Towards a Hybrid Methodology for Certification-Based Development
Mr. ÁLvaro Sobrinho, Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil
Order: P04
Title: Prediction of Cutting Forces in Five-axis Ball-end Milling
Dr. Xuewei Zhang, Northeastern University, China
Order: P05
Title: A Proposal of Engineering Education Architecture: Improve engineer's competencies through practice labs and 3D Virtual Worlds. Leandro Rosniak Tibola - UFRGS - Brazil
Mr. Leandro Rosniak Tibola, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Order: P06
Title: Artificial Immune Intelligent Maintenance System
Mr. Marcos Zuccolotto, Ufrgs, Brazil
Order: P07
Title: Coexistence Aware for WirelessHART networks
Mr. Jean Michel Winter, Ufrgs, Brazil
Prof. Carlos Eduardo Pereira, Ufrgs, Brazil
Order: P08
Title: A Distributed Intelligent Maintenance System based on Artificial Immune Approach and Multi-Agent Systems
Mr. Luca Fasanotti, Unibg- Intellimech Consortium, Italy
Room: I - Sala CB 23
Day: Tuesday 29th of July
Hour: 17:30
Duration: 120 minutes
Michael Condry, INTEL, USA
Alécio Binotto, IBM Reseach, BR
17:30 - 18:00 Big Data and the Sports Industry
Mr. Daniel Duarte, SAP Labs, Brazil
18:00 - 18:30 Difficulties and the Necessary Level of Semiconductors to Support the Progress of New Product Innovations Like Tablets and Smartphones
Mr. Leandro Profes, HT Micron, Brazil
18:30 - 19:00 An Advanced Software Designed Intelligent Electronic Device Platform
Mr. André Oliveira, National Instruments, Brazil
19:30 - 20:00 PC Based Control: Highly Efficient Control Technology – Current Applications and Future Trends
Mr. Marcos Giorjiani, Beckhoff, Brazil
Room: M - Galpão Crioulo (Banquet Room)
Day: Tuesday 29th of July
Hour: 20:00
Duration: 120 minutes
Room: B - Rectorate Auditorium
Day: Wednesday 30th of July
Hour: 09:00
Duration: 50 minutes
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Detlef Zühlke, IFS, Germany
Carlos Eduardo Pereira, UFRGS, BR
Abstract - Our industries are facing a period of major challenges. The customer demand for new products is coming at ever shorter intervals and is increasingly dependent on customized products that must be adapted for individual preferences. These challenges are evident in today's mobile phone market. Product life cycles of 6-9 months are the rule more frequently now and this is accompanied by a steady increase in the functionality of the products. Although enormous performance improvements in computer-aided technology (CAx) during the past 10 years have allowed the design and planning phases to be adapted to the different limiting conditions, a similar breakthrough is still awaited in the actual manufacturing technologies.
For solving this dilemma we can learn from the field of information and communication technologies. Computers are getting so small they seem to vanish inside nearly all of our technical devices. Beyond all this, things communicate in a world-wide network: the Internet. When we contemplate following this path into the future, we find that nearly all the things of everyday life will become smart nodes within a global network. This phenomenon is called the Internet-of-Things (IoT). This trend will certainly find its way also into industrial production. The strong bias of the electro-technical and hierarchical world of factory automation will transition to smart factory networks, which increasingly benefit from the advances in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and computer sciences. This will lead us to smart production processes in smart factories. In Germany, this vision is called “the fourth Industrial Revolution or, in shorthand, Industrie 4.0".
This work will present the Industrie 4.0 paradigm and discuss the impact on future production.
Room: D - Sala CB 31
Day: Wednesday 30th of July
Hour: 10:00
Duration: 60 minutes
Francisco Vasques, University of Porto, PT
Hour: 10:00
Title: Optimal power flow operation of a multi-terminal HVDC system with renewable sources and storages
Mr. Miguel Jiménez Carrizosa, Lss Supelec, France
Dr. Fernando Dorado Navas, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
Dr. Gilney Damm, IBISC Laboratory, France
Dr. Abdelkrim Benchaib, Alstom Grid, France
Dr. Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, Lss Supelec, France
Hour: 10:20
Title: On the performance of unscented Kalman filter with intermittent observations
Dr. Tanisia De Carli Foletto, Farroupilha Federal Institute, Brazil
Dr. Ubirajara Franco Moreno, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Hour: 10:40
Title: Fuzzy Digital PID Controller Design Based on Robust Stability Criteria
Prof. Danúbia Pires, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, Brazil
Dr. Ginalber Serra, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, Brazil
Room: E - Sala CB 32
Day: Wednesday 30th of July
Hour: 10:00
Duration: 60 minutes
Danubia Espindola, FURGS, BR
Hour: 10:00
Title: A Conceptual Network-based Intrusion Detection System for Cyber Physical Systems
Mr. Abdullah Khalili, CSE and IT Department, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
Dr. Ashkan Sami, CSE and IT Department, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
Hour: 10:20
Title: Simulative Evaluation of Contract-based Change Management
Mr. Markus Oertel, OFFIS e.V., Germany
Dr. Sebastian Gerwinn, OFFIS e.V., Germany
Prof. Achim Rettberg, University of Oldenburg, Germany
Room: F - Sala CB 33
Day: Wednesday 30th of July
Hour: 10:00
Duration: 60 minutes
Mikael Gidlund, ABB, SE
Hour: 10:00
Title: Cloud-based WirelessHART networking for Critical Industrial Monitoring and Control
Dr. Leonardo Ascorti, Pepperl-Fuchs SrL, Sulbiate (MI), Italy
Dr. Stefano Savazzi, C.N.R. National Researhc Council of Italy - IEIIT, Italy
Dr. Stefano Galimberti, Pepperl-Fuchs SrL, Sulbiate (MI), Italy
Hour: 10:20
Title: Using Mobile Robotic Agents to Increase Service Availability and Extend Network Lifetime on WSRNs
Ms. Ipek Caliskanelli, University of York, United Kingdom
Dr. Leandro Soares Indrusiak, University of York, United Kingdom
Room: H - Exhibition Hall
Day: Wednesday 30th of July
Hour: 11:00
Duration: 30 minutes
Room: D - Sala CB 31
Day: Wednesday 30th of July
Hour: 11:30
Duration: 80 minutes
Jose Barata, UNL, PT
Hour: 11:30
Title: Cross-domain Methods and Tools for Decision Support Services based on Context Sensitivity Approach
Mr. Sebastian Scholze, ATB Bremen, Germany
Dr. Dragan Stokic, ATB Bremen, Germany
Mr. Oliver Kotte, ATB Bremen, Germany
Hour: 11:50
Title: A survey of Service-based Systems-of-Systems Manufacturing Systems related to Product Life-Cycle Support and Energy Efficiency
Mr. Kevin Nagorny, Institut für angewandte Systemtechnik Bremen GmbH, Germany
Prof. José Barata, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Prof. Armando Walter Colombo, University of Applied Sciences Emden-Leer, Germany
Hour: 12:10
Title: Engineering Methods and Tools for Collaborative Development of Industrial Cyber-Physical Based Products and Services
Dr. Dragan Stokic, General Manager, Germany
Mr. Sebastian Scholze, Senior researcher, Germany
Hour: 12:30
Title: A Service-oriented Approach to Technology Based Industry
Mr. Diogo S. Dutra, Epusp, Brazil
Dr. Valter D. Oliveira, Epusp, Brazil
Prof. José Reinaldo Silva, Epusp, Brazil
Room: E - Sala CB 32
Day: Wednesday 30th of July
Hour: 11:30
Duration: 80 minutes
Roman Obermaisser, University of Siegen, DE
Hour: 11:30
Title: Conceptual Approach for Integrating Tactical Spare Parts Inventory Management and Transport Planning
Mrs. Ann-Kristin Cordes, German, Germany
Prof. Bernd Hellingrath, German, Germany
Hour: 11:50
Title: Visualization tool for cyber-physical maintenance systems
Mr. Rafael Santos, Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Brazil
Dr. Silvia Botelho, Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Brazil
Dr. Nelson Filho, Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Brazil
Dr. Danúbia Espíndola, Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Brazil
Mr. Marcos Amaral, Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Brazil
Dr. Enzo Frazzon, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil
Dr. Carlos Pereira, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil
Mr. Marcos Zuccolotto, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil
Hour: 12:10
Title: Simulation model concept for evaluating spare parts supply chain planning methods
Prof. Enzo Morosini Frazzon, Brazilian, Brazil
Prof. Bernd Hellingrath, German, Germany
Mrs. Ann-Kristin Cordes, German, Germany
Mr. André Albrecht, Brazilian, Brazil
Mr. Eduardo Israel, Brazilian, Brazil
Mr. Philipp Saalmann, German, Germany
Hour: 12:30
Title: Device Layer Agents for an Artificial Immune Intelligent Maintenance System
Mr. Marcos Zuccolotto, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, Brazil
Mr. Luca Fasanotti, Intellimech Consortium, Italy
Mr. Thiago Regal da Silva, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, Brazil
Dr. Sergio Cavalieri, Università degli studi di Bergam - UniBg, Italy
Dr. Carlos Eduardo Pereira, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, Brazil
Dr. Stefano Ierace, Intellimech Consortium, Brazil
Room: F - Sala CB 33
Day: Wednesday 30th of July
Hour: 11:30
Duration: 80 minutes
Cheng Pang, Lulea University, SE
Hour: 11:30
Title: Verification of Relationship between Heart Rate and Body Movement for Fatigue Estimation
Prof. Jinhua She, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan
Mr. Hitoshi Nakamura, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan
Mr. Junya Imani, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan
Prof. Yasuhiro Ohyama, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan
Prof. Hiroshi Hashimoto, Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, Japan
Prof. Min Wu, Central South University, China
Hour: 11:50
Title: A Study for Assistant Robotic System using Motion Capture Method for Adapting to Human-robot Interface
Dr. Yihsin Ho, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Prof. Eri sato-Shimokawara, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Prof. Kazuyoshi Wada, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Prof. Toru Yamaguchi, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Prof. Norio Tagawa, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Hour: 12:10
Title: Effective destination determination for Semi-Autonomous Smart Electric Wheelchair Based on History of Human Activity
Mr. Atsuro Takimoto, Chuo University, Japan
Prof. Hiroshi Hashimoto, Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, Japan
Prof. Mihoko Niitsuma, Chuo University, Japan
Hour: 12:30
Title: Motion Design of Service Robot - Study on Human Impression -
Dr. Sho Yokota, Setsunan University, Japan
Prof. Hiroshi Hashimoto, Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, Japan
Prof. Daisuke Chugo, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
Dr. Kuniaki Kawabata, Riken, Japan
Room: L - Lunch Restaurant
Day: Wednesday 30th of July
Hour: 13:00
Duration: 60 minutes
Room: B - Rectorate Auditorium
Day: Wednesday 30th of July
Hour: 14:00
Duration: 50 minutes
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Okyay Kaynak, Bogazici University, Turkey
Jose Barata, UNL, PT
Abstract - This presentation will discuss the challenges that face industry in the 21st century. An assessment of the past will be presented, discussing the profound technological changes that have taken place during the last 2 decades, especially the changes observed in the manufacturing industry. The paradigm change from industrial electronics to industrial informatics will be pointed out to. This will be followed by a look at the evolution of the manufacturing paradigms. In the closing parts of the presentation, the state-of-the-art reached in industrial informatics will be given with examples and a perspective on the future will be presented, pointing out the challenges that the manufacturing industry will have to face by the end of the next decade.
Room: D - Sala CB 31
Day: Wednesday 30th of July
Hour: 15:00
Duration: 120 minutes
Jose Reinaldo Silva, USP, BR
Renato Henriques, UFRGS, BR
Hour: 15:00
Title: Coordinated Path-Following for Multi-Robot Systems Using the Cluster Space Framework Approach
Dr. Cassius Resende, Department of Industrial Automation - Federal Institute of Espirito Santo, Brazil
Dr. Ricardo Carelli, Institute of Automatics - National University of San Juan, Argentina
Dr. Mario Sarcinelli, Graduate Program on Electrical Engineering- Federal University of Espirito Santo, Brazil
Hour: 15:20
Title: Algorithmic Iterative Sampling in Coordinate Metrology Plan for Coordinate Metrology Using Dynamic Uncertainty Analysis
Prof. Thiago Martins, Epusp, Brazil
Prof. Marcos Tsuzuki, Epusp, Brazil
Prof. Ahmad Barari, Uoit, Canada
Dr. Rogerio Takimoto, Epusp, Brazil
Mr. Giulliano Gallo, Cesp, Brazil
Mr. Marcos Garcia, Cesp, Brazil
Mr. Hamilton Tiba, Cesp, Brazil
Hour: 15:40
Title: Mesh Generation for Surfaces with Distinct Boundary Segmentation
Mr. Joao Silva, Epusp, Brazil
Prof. Marcos Tsuzuki, Epusp, Brazil
Mr. Edson Ueda, Epusp, Brazil
Prof. Thiago Martins, Epusp, Brazil
Dr. Rogerio Takimoto, Epusp, Brazil
Mr. Giulliano Gallo, Cesp, Brazil
Mr. Marcos Garcia, Cesp, Brazil
Mr. Hamilton Tiba, Cesp, Brazil
Hour: 16:00
Title: Virtual Reality techniques for planning the Offshore Robotizing
Dr. Felipe Carvalho, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Prof. Alberto Raposo, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Dr. Ismael Santos, Petrobras, Brazil
Mr. Mauricio Galassi, Petrobras, Brazil
Hour: 16:20
Title: Actuator Fault Diagnosis and Control of a Quadrotor
Prof. Adilson Souza Cândido, ITA - Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, Brazil
Prof. Roberto Kawakami Harrop Galvão, ITA - Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, Brazil
Prof. Takashi Yoneyama, ITA - Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, Brazil
Hour: 16:40
Title: A Backstepping Non-Linear Controller for a Mobile Robot Implemented in ROS
Mr. Taiser T. T. Barros, SENAI - Santa Cruz do Sul, Brazil
Dr. Walter Fetter Lages, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Room: E - Sala CB 32
Day: Wednesday 30th of July
Hour: 15:00
Duration: 120 minutes
Paulo Leitão, IPB, PT
Hour: 15:00
Title: Function Block Implementation of Service Oriented Architecture: Case Study
Dr. Wenbin Dai, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden
Prof. Valeriy Vyatkin, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden
Dr. James Christensen, Holobloc Inc, USA
Dr. Victor Dubinin, Penza State University, Russian Federation
Hour: 15:20
Title: An Opportunistic Approach to Deal with Real-Time Mesh Communication in Wireless Sensor Networks
Mr. Erico Leão, Feup, Portugal
Dr. Francisco Vasques, Feup, Portugal
Dr. Paulo Portugal, Feup, Portugal
Dr. Carlos Montez, Ufsc, Brazil
Hour: 15:40
Title: Evaluating the Impact of Uncontrolled Traffic Sources upon Real-Time Communication in IEEE 802.11s Mesh Networks
Mr. Carlos Viegas, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Prof. Francisco Vasques, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Prof. Paulo Portugal, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Hour: 16:00
Title: Quality of Service Provision Assessment for DDBP Approach in IEEE 802.15.4 Networks
Mr. Tiago Semprebom, Ifsc/Ufsc, Brazil
Mr. Ricardo Moraes, Ufsc, Brazil
Mr. Carlos Montez, Ufsc, Brazil
Mr. Paulo Portugal, Feup, Portugal
Mr. Francisco Vasques, Feup, Portugal
Hour: 16:20
Title: A Smart Home Model Using JaCaMo Framework
Mr. Rodrigo Martins, Ceee-D, Brazil
Prof. Felipe Meneguzzi, Pucrs, Brazil
Room: F - Sala CB 33
Day: Wednesday 30th of July
Hour: 15:00
Duration: 120 minutes
Carel Kruger, CSIR, SA
Hour: 15:00
Title: A Framework for Detecting Unnecessary Industrial Data in ETL Processes
Dr. Philip Woodall, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Mr. Torben Jess, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Dr. Mark Harrison, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Prof. Duncan McFarlane, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Mr. Amar Shah, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Mr. William Krechel, Boeing, USA
Mr. Eric Nicks, Boeing, USA
Hour: 15:20
Title: Services Convergence and Multi-Clouds Integration: Requirements, Architecture and Model-based Integration
Prof. Qing Li, Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, China
Mr. Hao Luo, Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, China
Mr. Rui-yang Du, Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, China
Ms. Xiao-qian Feng, Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, China
Mr. Pei-xuan Xie, Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, China
Hour: 15:40
Title: Automation Project Framework for Energy Management ISO50001 Compatible
Prof. Renato Ely Castro, Ufrgs, Brazil
Dr. Carlos Eduardo Pereira, Ufrgs, Brazil
Dr. Fausto Bastos Líbano, Faculdade SENAI, Brazil
Prof. Luciano Fonseca Chaves, Faculdade SENAI, Brazil
Prof. Hermes José Gonçalves Jr., Faculdade SENAI, Brazil
Hour: 16:00
Title: A Multicriteria Method for Evaluating Risks in Virtual Organizations
Mr. Rafael G. Vieira, State University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Dr. Omir C. A. Junior, State University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Dr. Adriano Fiorese, State University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Hour: 16:20
Title: The Impact of Cloud Manufacturing on Supply Chain Agility
Prof. Javad Jassbi, CTS-UNINOVA Dep. Eng. Electrotecnia, Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologias, Portugal
Mr. Giovanni Di Orio, CTS-UNINOVA Dep. Eng. Electrotecnia, Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologias, Portugal
Mr. Diogo Barata, CTS-UNINOVA Dep. Eng. Electrotecnia, Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologias, Portugal
Dr. Jose Barata, CTS-UNINOVA Dep. Eng. Electrotecnia, Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologias, Portugal
Room: G - Sala CB 34
Day: Wednesday 30th of July
Hour: 15:00
Duration: 120 minutes
Luis Gomes, UNL, PT
Hour: 15:00
Title: Online Passive Learning of Timed Automata for Cyber-Physical Production Systems
Mr. Alexander Maier, Institute of Industrial Information Technologies, Germany
Hour: 15:20
Title: Scheduling Real-Time Systems with Periodic Tasks using a Model-checking Approach
Ms. Arianna Olivera, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Dr. Pedro del Foyo, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Prof. J. Reinaldo Silva, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Hour: 15:40
Title: Active Learning classification and change detection on multispectral images
Mr. Kiran Mantripragada, IBM Research, Brazil
Dr. Jose Alberto Quintanilha, Polytechnic School - University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Dr. Mariana Abrantes Giannotti, Polytechnic School - University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Hour: 16:00
Title: Color Feature Selection for Smoke Detection in Videos
Ms. Gabriela Miranda, ENACOM Handcrafted Technologies, Brazil
Dr. Adriano Lisboa, ENACOM Handcrafted Technologies, Brazil
Dr. Douglas Vieira, ENACOM Handcrafted Technologies, Brazil
Mr. Francisco Queiroz, Cemig, Brazil
Mr. Carlos Nascimento, Cemig, Brazil
Hour: 16:20
Title: Knowledge-based Routing in Mechanical Transportation Systems
Prof. Stanislav Belyakov, Southern Federal University, Russian Federation
Ms. Marina Savelyeva, Southern Federal University, Russian Federation
Mr. Jeffrey Yan, The University of Auckland, New Zealand (Aotearoa)
Prof. Valeriy Vyatkin, Luleå Tekniska Universitet, Sweden
Room: D - Sala CB 31
Day: Wednesday 30th of July
Hour: 17:00
Duration: 60 minutes